
We want to increase the volume of sales which in turn increases manufacturing efficiencies resulting in savings we want to give back to you.  So, here is our discounting system for the rain makers and deal makers.


After years of trial an error we learned not to base our discounting policy on the total sale price, but rather on the number of specific pieces sold.

Here are our discounts:

x1 listed price

x2 4% discount

x3 6% discount

x4 8% discount

x6 12% discount

x8 14% discount

x12 16% discount

x16 18% discount

x24 20% discount

x32 22% discount

x48 24% discount

x64 26% discount

x96 28% discount

x128 30% discount

x192 32% discount

x 256 33.33% discount

When you have an order that has purchases of more than one of any given item, we will return to you the discount after making a purchase online.

If you make an online purchase and the shipping is not included, we will bill for this separately.

If you have an interest in having a more accurate invoice with the relevant discounts when the order is more complex, please send us a purchase order list to john@newbreedfurniture.com and we will respond with in twenty four hours.